Raushan Orazbaeva

Located in Astana (Kazakhstan)

Raushan Orazbaeva was born in family of  Dombra players and storytellers from the Zhanakorgan area in the Kyzylorda region. From her father, Zhumabek who was a poet and instrument maker, she learned to play the Dombra. Later she went to Almaty where she started with the study of Kyl Kobyz first at Zhubanov Music
School. later at the National Kazakh Kurmangazi Conservatory.

She won  national and international competitions and performed in numerous IMG_9715Concert Halls around the world. She teaches at the Kazakh National  University of Arts in Astana and has a wide repertoire of pieces by famous early composers such as Korkyt, Ihlas, Tattimbet, Sugyr and Zhappas, as well as contemporary ones such as Aktoty Raymkulova. She also plays her own compositions.

2017 she inpried her audience at the concert «Zentralasiatische Klänge» in the «Otto-Wagner-Church» in Vienna and 2018 in Kulturhaus Sargfabrik.

She is the leading musician on the multimedia project Qyrk Kyz of the Aga Khan Music Initiative. Musicians from Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan are participating in this project.

In 2020, Raushan participated in the international project Beyondmusic and worked with 26 musicians from different countries among them Portugal, Tanzania, Argentina, Germany, India, and France. At the end an album “Same planet 2” was released.

Further Information:

Raushan Orazbaeva on Youtube
Raushan Orazbaeva Website

Contact via KultEurasia